モミの木25本セット Fir Trees 5 - 14 cm (H0/TT), with planting pin; 25 pcs.
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在庫数: 1 残りわずか!
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スケール:HO 1/87
Fir trees in 1:87 scale (gauge H0); height approximately 5 - 14 cm (1.97 - 5.51 in.). Suitable for TT-gauge as well. The trees feature realistic, un-evenly cut tree branches and very realistic root stocks.
These 5 - 14 cm high model trees are equivalent to
- approx. 4,5 - 12 m original height in 1:87 (H0-scale)
- approx. 6 - 17 m original height in 1:120 (TT-scale)
NOCH Hobby trees with their realistic tree trunks are the perfect solution to create dense forests and natural tree groups for little money. The model trees are available at different heights and are available in the packaging units 25, 10 or 5 pieces.
The well-known NOCH Hobby-Tree-series was completely redesigned and new configured in 2017. Great value was placed on improving the quality and a more realistic look at attractive prices.
- Innovation 2017 -
- トップ
- ノッホ NOCH
- TT-HO 樹木
- トップ
- 当店在庫あり
- ノッホ NOCH
- HO 樹木
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