NEW客車5両セット 5 pcs. “Blue Gentian” train set DB era III
- リバロッシ Rivarossi
- 型番:riHR4389
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スケール:HO 1/87
5 pcs. “Blue Gentian” train set in blue color scheme
From the summer timetable of 1953, the train was set apart from the long-distance express trains thanks to the cars used. The set of the earlier Henschel-Wegmann train, which had a viewing final car based on the US model (pulpit car), was specially refurbished for this use. Due to problems with converting the train set, which originally consisted of cars with second and third class compartments, the DB decided to generally convert the train to the (then) second class of cars. The name “Blauer Genzian”, which the connection has had since the summer timetable of 1952, was the result of a competition that the DB organized among its passengers in 1951. A total of nine F-train pairs were given names. For the F 55/56, the name “Blue Gentian” emerged as the winner. Like the edelweiss - which gives the Edelweiss Express its name - gentian is an alpine flower and medicinal plant. In Europe, around 35 species of gentian grow mainly in the Alps. Possibly because of their pure blue and bright flower color, which is rare in the plant kingdom, they were and are viewed as a symbol of loyalty and are thus mentioned in poems and songs. The route and color of the train can explain the association.
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- リバロッシ Rivarossi
- HO 客車
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