SALEボックスカー貨車 Boxcar Gm K.Bay.Sts.B. epoch I
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メーカー:Brawa (ブラバ)
スケール:H0 1:87
Era 分類:1
全長 : 107mm
Boxcar Gm of the K.Bay.Sts.B.
Company number: 31 024
Tariff conditions on the one hand and technical circumstances on the other hand meant that all state railway administrations developed boxcars with almost the same dimensions and loading weights. These were wagons with a wheelbase of 4.5 m, a length over the buffers of 9.3 m with unbraked wagons, a payload of 15 t, later 17.5 t, and a floor area of around 21 square meters. This type of freight car became the most important and most frequently built boxcar of all. They originally bore the class designation Gm. The most common of these state railway cars was the Prussian pattern sheet IId8, of which 47,533 alone were built. After the foundation of the Deutsche Staatsbahn Wagon Association DWV in 1909, the type A2 association wagon was developed from it. This was built from 1911 in a total of incredible 121,770 copies. This made it the most frequently built boxcar in the world. It dominated the picture of German freight trains until the early era 3. Due to two world wars, these wagons were scattered all over Europe, there was no European railway administration in which such wagons were not used at least temporarily.
model details
-Fine reproduction of the board joints
-Axle bars and wheels made of metal
- Short coupling kinematics according to NEM standard
-Multi-part brake system with brake shoes in wheel plane
-Individually attached signal holders
-Fine printing and painting
-Individually attached axle bearing covers
- トップ
- ブラバ Brawa
- HO 貨車
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