50フィートゴンドラ貨車 Weathered 50' Fixed End Gondola with Fishbelly Sides, CSX (ex-CR) #915769
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50フィートゴンドラ貨車 CSXです。ウェザリング仕様です。 Weathered 50' Steel Side, 15-Panel, Fixed End Gondola with Fishbelly Sides, CSX (ex-CR) #915769
スケール:N 1/160
Weathered 50' Steel Side, 15-Panel, Fixed End Gondola with Fishbelly Sides, CSX (ex-CR) #915769
Built in October 1971 for New York Central/Penn Central, this 50' gondola with Barber Roller Bearing trucks was used for Coil Steel Loading through its later Conrail acquisition, eventually becoming a Maintenance of Way car for CSX's scrap railroad ties. CSX was formed through the 1986 mergers of Chessie System and Seaboard System/Family Lines, and continues to operate today across more than 21,000 miles of track in the Eastern United States.
Released July 2022
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