蒸気機関車 Big Boy with 25-C-400 Coal Tender, Union Pacific #4020 パラゴン3サウンド、発煙装置付き
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ビッグボーイSL ユニオンパシフィック オイルテンダー仕様です。ボディーはダイキャスト製で迫力があります。パラゴン3サウンド、発煙装置搭載です。在庫少!
メーカ:ブロードウェイリミテッド(Broadway Limited)
スケール:HO 1/87
UP Big Boy #4020
Wilson Aftercooler
25-C-400 Coal Tender
Often called the largest steam loco ever made, and certainly a contender for the World's Most Famous Locomotive, the Big Boy was forged under some of the most strenuous demands ever placed on a locomotive. The UP Railroad needed a locomotive that could be used to pull a 3,600-ton train over Sherman Hill and the 1.14% grade from Ogden to Wasatch, Utah without the need for helpers.
When the design specifications were complete, it was decided on the use of a simple articulated, high speed, 132 ft. long locomotive sporting sixteen 68 diameter drive wheels. What they created was the longest and among the heaviest, most powerful steam locomotive legends in the world. And had not the worker at ALCO chalked Big Boy on the side of the smoke box of one of the 4-8-8-4s under construction, a name that immediately caught on, it is rumored that the name of the type would have been Wasatch, for the mountains they were built to conquer.
NEW Paragon3 Sound & Operation System FEATURING ROLLING THUNDER with Authentic Sounds and Prototypical Operation in both DC and DCC environments
NEW Steam from the Whistle!
Factory Installed Engineer/Fireman Figures
Synchronized Puffing Smoke with each Chuff
Variable Puffing Smoke Intensity and Timing
Lighted Number Boards
Lighted Marker Lights
Locomotive Composition: Die Cast Body with Die Cast Chassis
Tender Composition: Die Cast Body with Die Cast Chassis
Couplers: (2) Operating Kadee or Compatible
Compatible Tracks: Code 83 and 100 Rail
Equipped with Traction Tires
Minimum Operating Radius: 18" or greater
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