蒸気機関車 Niagara S1b 4-8-4, New York Central #6018 パラゴン3サウンド、発煙装置付き
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ニューヨークセントラル鉄道の旅客用SL ナイアガラ S1b 4-8-4です。メーカ在庫少!!お早目のご検討を!
メーカ:ブロードウェイリミテッド(Broadway Limited)
スケール:HO 1/87
The New York Central was late in adopting the 4-8-4 wheel arrangement for their steam locomotive roster since the Mohawks and Hudsons did such an excellent job. Locomotive #6000 - class S1a - was the first 2-cylinder 4-8-4 from ALCO and was followed by 25 more of the S1b class. When the "Northerns" started arriving in 1945, they became the favorite power, being used almost everywhere at once. They were dual service locomotives, but are mostly remembered for heading up the "Limiteds". Now, for the first time in Paragon3, with Rolling ThunderTM, the New York Central Niagara will ride again in HO scale!
Synchronized Puffing Smoke with each Chuff
Variable Puffing Smoke Intensity and Timing
Locomotive Composition: ABS Body with Die Cast Chassis
Tender Composition: ABS Body with Die Cast Chassis
Couplers: (2) Operating Kadee or Compatible
Compatible Tracks: Code 70, 83, 100 Rail
Equipped with Traction Tires
Minimum Operating Radius: 22" or greater
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- ブロードウェイ
- HO 蒸気機関車
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- 当店在庫あり
- ブロードウェイ
- HO 蒸気機関車
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