蒸気機関車 K4s 4-6-2 with Cast Pilot, Pennsylvania Railroad (Post-War) #3681 パラゴン3サウンド、発煙装置付き
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ペンシルバニア鉄道の小型SL K4-s 戦後仕様です。在庫少!
メーカ:ブロードウェイリミテッド(Broadway Limited)
スケール:HO 1/87
Industry-Leading Features:
DIE CAST Body with Heavy Die Cast chassis for max. tractive effort
Features the ALL-NEW Paragon3 with Rolling ThunderTM SOUND & Control System (Rolling ThunderTM transmitter onboard)
Integral DCC Decoder with Back EMF for Industry Best Slow Speed Operation in DC and DCC
Precision Drive Mechanism engineered for continuous heavy load towing and smooth slow speed operation
Powerful Can Motor
Synchronized PUFFING SMOKE with Chuff Sound
Variable Puffing Smoke Intensity and timing
Premium Caliber Painting with Authentic Paint Schemes
Prototypical Light Operation with Golden White LED Headlight, Rear Light
Operating Metal Knuckle Couplers
Separately Applied Handrails, Ladders, Whistle, and Brass Bell
Near-Brass Caliber Detail at a Die Cast price
Will operate on Code 83 and 100 rail
Minimum radius: 18" radius or greater recommended.
Industry-Leading Sound / Operation Features:
Operates in DC & DCC (use DCMaster for DC sound)
2 Selectable Bells
3 playable whistles with variable endings
1 long, non-looped whistle
1 alternate whistle for locomotives with a second horn
Quill whistle with Digitrax DT400 or NCE Pro Cab throttle
4 Times Expanded Autopilot storage
Expanded Startup and Shutdown sequences
Smoke Temperature safety cutoff sensor
2 Watt Audio output
90 db signal to noise ratio
16 bit audio resolution
24 sounds with separate volume control
Unmatched frequency response as low as 20 Hz when paired with Rolling ThunderTM subwoofer kit
8 simultaneously playable audio channels
Improved motor control in DC and DCC
Motor short circuit protection
Works with NMRA standard DCC controllers
Automatic Dual Mode: Works with DC power packs or DCC
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- HO 蒸気機関車
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