2Åù²òÊüµÒ¼Ö¡Ê²Ùʪ¼¼ÉÕ¤¡Ë¡¡2nd class conversion wagon with luggage compartment DB epoch IV
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¥¹¥±¡¼¥ë¡§H0 1:87
Å´Æ»²ñ¼Ò: DB
Era ʬÎà: 4
Á´Ä¹ : 153mm
2nd class conversion wagon with luggage compartment of the Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB), epoch III.
Model equipped with interior design and ready equipped to install interior lighting. Coupler pocket according to NEM 362 standards and close coupling mechanism.
Easy to use model out of the Roco "start" range - for beginners and model railway enthusiasts looking for great value.
- Innovation 2016 -
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- ¥í¥³ Roco
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- ¥í¥³ Roco
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