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  • ¥¢¡¼¥Î¥ë¥É Arnold
  • ·¿ÈÖ¡§hoHN4420

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4 pcs. Set OSJD Type B passenger carriages "Touristen-Express" in blue livery, consisting of 2 x WLAB, 1 x WR and 1 x saloon carriage

¡ÈTourist Express¡É passenger coach:
In 1956, the GDR travel agency introduced a couchette train on the connection from Dresden to Varna on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. On the initiative of the FDJ, the sleeping and couchette train "Touristenexpress" (abbreviated "TOUREX") was created from 1961 and used as a special travel agency train from the summer of 1963. The "TOUREX" consisted of sleeping, dining and some special cars, which were initially kept in a blue color scheme with the italic lettering "Touristenexpress". Later, however, more and more Mitropa cars painted red were used. From the seventies
The "TOUREX" also carried type DDm car transport wagons. The train route started in Dresden-Neustadt and went via Bad Schandau, Decin, Olomouc (or Brno), Sturovo, Szob, Budapest, Szolnok, Biharkeresztes, Episkopia Bihor, Cluj, Brasov, Bucharest, Giurgiu Nord and Ruse (or Negru Voda and Kardam) to Varna.

Most of the time they drove through without scheduled stops. On city trips, however, there were also day stops in Budapest or in other places along the route. The fall of communism brought the end of the tourist express in 1989, since, as is well known, GDR citizens now had other destinations than the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.




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