40フィート家畜貨車(羊効果音付き) 40' Stock Car with Sheep Sounds, Southern Pacific #70355
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在庫数: 1 残りわずか!
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サザンパシフィック鉄道の家畜貨車 羊効果音付きです。
スケール:HO 1/87
Stock cars were used to transport a variety of live animals, such as cattle, mules, horses, as well as hogs sheep and calves. Animal transport was and still is an important revenue stream for many railroads. BLIs K7A is a handsome reproduction of the Pennsylvania Railroad design. So, if your pike has livestock to move, we have the means. Our stock cars have been a hit for many years and were bringing them back due to popular demand. Order yours today.
Industry-Leading Features of this Model:
•Premium Caliber Painting with Authentic Paint Schemes
•Operating Knuckle Couplers
•Minimum Radius: 18" or greater recommended
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